Sunday, March 28, 2010

Cupids Chokehold

(s0ng that remind 0f my b0y friend)

Take a look at my girlfriend
She’s the only one I got (ba ba da da)
Not much of a girlfriend
I never seem to get a lot (ba ba da da, ba ba da da)

It’s been some time since we last spoke
This is gonna sound like a bad joke
But momma I fell in love again
It’s safe to say I have a new girlfriend

And I know it sounds so old
But cupid got me in a chokehold
And I’m afraid I might give in
Towels on the mat my white flag is wavin’

I mean she even cooks me pancakes
And Alka Seltzer when my tummy aches
If that ain’t love then I don’t know what love is

We even got a secret handshake
And she loves the music that my band makes
I know I’m young but if I had to choose her or the sun
I’d be one nocturnal son of a gun

(ba ba da da, ba ba da da)

Take a look at my girlfriend
She’s the only one I got (ba ba da da)
Not much of a girlfriend
I never seem to get a lot (ba ba da da, ba ba da da)

Take a look at my girlfriend
She’s the only one I got (ba ba da da)
Not much of a girlfriend
I never seem to get a lot (ba ba da da, ba ba da da)

It’s been awhile since we talked last and I’m tryin’ hard not to talk fast
But dad I’m finally thinkin’ I may have found the one
Type of girl that will make you way proud of your son

And I know you heard the last song about the girls that didn’t last long
But I promise this is on a whole new plane
I can tell by the way she says my name (ba ba da da)

I love it when she calls my phone
She even got her very own ringtone
If that ain’t love then I don’t know what love is (ba ba da da)

It’s gonna be a long drive home but I know as soon as I arrive home
And I open the door take off my coat and throw my bag on the floor
She’ll be back into my arms once more for sure

Take a look at my girlfriend
She’s the only one I got (ba ba da da)
Not much of a girlfriend
I never seem to get a lot (ba ba da da, ba ba da da)

She’s got a smile that would make the most senile
Annoying old man bite his tongue
I’m not done
She’s got eyes comparable to sunrise
And it doesn’t stop there
Man I swear
She’s got porcelain skin of course she’s a ten
And now she’s even got her own song
But movin’ on
She’s got the cutest laugh I ever heard
And we can be on the phone for three hours
Not sayin’ one word
And I would still cherish every moment
And when I start to build my future she’s the main component
Call it dumb call it luck call it love or whatever you call it but
Everywhere I go I keep her picture in my wallet like here

Take a look at my girlfriend
She’s the only one I got (ba ba da da)
Not much of a girlfriend
I never seem to get a lot (ba ba da da, ba ba da da)

Take a look at my girlfriend
She’s the only one I got (ba ba da da)
Not much of a girlfriend
I never seem to get a lot (ba ba da da, ba ba da da)

here c0me da hist0ry

huhuhuhu.........really bored t0day. s0 after tired watching tv,aku pun bukak la FB.....then suddenly i remember my 0ld sch00l mags......that's da 0nly reta peninggalan dr zaman sek0lah menangah ku(zaman br nak angkat dara,zaman chenta pertama ku mula muncul,zaman aku x berapa nak kurus n pa2 jak yg sezaman ngan nya la)
melihat kembali wajah2 geng2 sama sk00l tym ya make me wonder......h0w are they n0w?maybe m0st 0f them dh jd mak 0rang, bapak 0rang n maybe dh jadi nenek 0rg(bagi yg kawen ngan 0rg yg dh ada pakej la.....)eventh0ugh lamak dh aku meningalkan zaman sek0lah menengah yaa......p sa mcm baru jak aku abis sk00l...huhuhuhuuuu....still da perasaan budak remaja gik la ku t0k.
so many mistake that i wish i didn't d0 at that time.but they always says that "learn from u'r mistake" maybe some mistake I've got the lesson but others????nah.....others ya memang susah nak cakap laaa........but 1 thing that i w0n ever2 regrade is "alhamdulilah aku diberi hidayah n insyaALLAH akan mati as a muslim"amin......

*sayang album aku zaman sk00l ya dh kenak curi leh pencuri nak bengap tahap gaban....mun sik dapat la ku upl0ad dlm tok...

Saturday, March 27, 2010

a l0ng day early starting day

huhuhu......last night aku mimpi rim keytaku yg ku syg2 yg jd isu ku ngan kambing ya kenak curi!!!!nasib bet "0h tidak aku bermimpi sahaja"(mun mena2 tek nang nanggis x beraik mata la aku)
awal2 pagi dah aku bangun sebl0m nak g sk00l gik hr t0k tek(caka juak, paksa trn keja hari sabtu yg nyaman n sej0k k bangun akher t0k)sampe2 kat sk00l kerja aku n azna dh d take 0ver leh student...(apa lagik tumbuh memanjang la tanduk mek 2)huhuhuhhuhuhuhh.........tengahari bla dh balit dr sk00l g la ke suatu destinasi ngan bed0t ..nak mencari limu tek kata kan..(sak jak ilmu d dada pen0h jak)hahahahahahaha
setel sigek kerja ya....tekaya2 la mek 2 da seven mile(sempat juak ku menyambar sigek baju)then bla dah bye2 gan bed0t lu la gu g jumpa ngan dak member abang2 n kakak2 g mandik swimming p00l d samarahan sia....nang bleh tahan laaa.......sampe badan ku yg putih x berapa nak melepak t0k dh jadi tinted gelap kit dlm 25%.......p minggu depan da event nak dasyat gik yaaaa....."j0urney t0 panadan!"best2..harap2 la aku dpt bep0ya2 d pantey tym ya..jgn jak da kejadian berdarah jak tym yaaa.........p tym t0k aku nang letih laaaaaa......tambah2 gik bla limpas umah ehem2 tek ku nangga da kemah......lagik la aku suspen....sapakah yang jd pengantin ya????nya ka????0h n000000000........

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

i wanna d0 sumthing in my liFe

t0day i had alm0st all day in da h0use.huhuhuhuhu...(cuti maaa)feel really lazy t0 wake up this m0rning(maybe my bed is very very super c0mf0rtable t0 sleep at)t0day i spend my tym searching f0r university that 0ffer an interesting courses.huhuhuhuuhuhuu..g0t da m00d t0 c0ntinue my study.feel like wanna be a student again seem that i'm still y0ung n single huhuhuhuuuu....well they always says that "grab the chance while you can". maybe it's better for me t0 make my life busy again t0 less think b0ut some people.hurmmmmm.....hope i could.

Monday, March 22, 2010

eVerYtHings tHat happend g0t a hidden agenda in da end

t0day i realized that all bad things that happened t0 me was actually a bless.kira rahmat la tek. bila ku pikir2 balit tym ku drive pergi ke taman puteri petang yg jem tadik,aku sedar semua ya....putus tunang, meet wif kambing, d pr0p0sed beberapa kali yg aku reject n then i meet wif sum0ne yg membuatkan aku sengal n dalam masa yang sama hard t0 explain la perasaan yaaa.....fr0m there aku sedar, apa yg aku ada n0w adalah hasil dari pengalaman aku sebel0m t0k...that is da m0st valuable things that i have right n0w.bef0re this i always keep c0mplaining why am i always getting hurt by pe0ple that i l0ve.why am i keep crying when i'm pelling d0wn, why are my life suck.but n0w i really thing th0se are stupid questi0n that i ever asked t0 myself n g0d.fr0m n0w 0n i'm trying t0 be grateful wif da thing that i had.ALLHAMDULILAH

Friday, March 19, 2010

when it keep coming back t0 me

lately he always keep c0mming back me,said that he felt guilty f0r making me like this f0r all this while eventh0ugh i d0n't have any issues 0r gave him any reas0n t0 d0 wr0ng things t0 me.
s0 "nasib la Labu" i'm really tired f0r being u'r pers0nal cl0wn anym0re.t0 make u happy when u'r sad n felling d0wn.s0 back 0ff!step 0ff!0r whatever da words is.i'm really tired t0 be like least give a chance t0 be happy wif da life i've ch0sed and da guy that i fall in l0ve wif. let me enj0y my life when i still can enj0y it.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

sum time

sum time, aku rasa nak lari jak dr life aku nek t0k...aku b0ring dengan keadaan yang membuatkan aku serba salah.aku dh b0san nak menjaga perasaan 0rang, aku dh b0san untuk mengecewakan hati yang benar2 sayang ngan aku.aku inginkan ketenangan dan kebahagian yang nampaknya amat sukar untuk aku per0lehi kerana aku sering di datangi 0leh mimpi2 yang memainkan jiwa ku.aku dh letih untuk bangun di pagi hari mengenangkan mimpi yang semamangnya sik akan menjadi kenyataan.yang memang agak mustahil(namun ALLAH maha kuasa yang menentukan j0d0h dan maut hambanya)tapi apa2 pun aku nang dah kepak!!!!!!!!kepak bermimpikan 0rang yang telah pergi n mustahil akan kembali gik bersama ngan aku.