Monday, March 22, 2010

eVerYtHings tHat happend g0t a hidden agenda in da end

t0day i realized that all bad things that happened t0 me was actually a bless.kira rahmat la tek. bila ku pikir2 balit tym ku drive pergi ke taman puteri petang yg jem tadik,aku sedar semua ya....putus tunang, meet wif kambing, d pr0p0sed beberapa kali yg aku reject n then i meet wif sum0ne yg membuatkan aku sengal n dalam masa yang sama hard t0 explain la perasaan yaaa.....fr0m there aku sedar, apa yg aku ada n0w adalah hasil dari pengalaman aku sebel0m t0k...that is da m0st valuable things that i have right n0w.bef0re this i always keep c0mplaining why am i always getting hurt by pe0ple that i l0ve.why am i keep crying when i'm pelling d0wn, why are my life suck.but n0w i really thing th0se are stupid questi0n that i ever asked t0 myself n g0d.fr0m n0w 0n i'm trying t0 be grateful wif da thing that i had.ALLHAMDULILAH